Ilya Sher
Operations & software
Since circa 1987, professionally since 2001
I think you are going to see, as new environments are developed with new capabilities, scripting capabilities developed around them to make it easy to make them work.-- Steve Bourne, interview to, 2009.
Well, the environment has changed quite a bit.
(From Wikipedia and
Thompson shell
… clear that the Thompson shell was inadequate for most serious programming tasks.
PWB shell, aka Mashey shell.
Bourne shell is distributed, replacement for Mashey shell.
bash beta v0.99 released
command substitution$((math))
calculations<(process substitution)
bash 2 adds array variables
bash 3.0 adds built in regular expressions
if [[ "$variable" =~ "your-regex" ]]
bash 4.0
globbing(Personal opinion)
echo '…' >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/no-product-ads-here.list
Want to try that in Java? (from Stack Overflow, edited)
new File("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/no-product-ads-here.list"),
Nginx example - popular alternatives
Nginx Chef cookbook (as of 2015-07, commit e36944b)
Puppet Nginx module (as of 2015-07, commit d1b0908)
Think disregarding the context of this presentation
- Let's try Nginx but I think we will switch to Apache later.
- I know! We need abstraction cookbook!
Is this the right solution?
Scripted. Idempotent code.
The overlap of provided (Chef and Puppet) and required functionality is roughly zero.
… when using Chef or Puppet … because life
if lsof -n | grep -q 'nginx.* 300u';then
service nginx restart
if ! pgrep -f 'nginx: master' >/dev/null;then
service nginx start
My definition
Python example
Ever wished the compactness of shell scripts be put into a real programming language?
-- plumbum project
from plumbum import local
ls = local["ls"]
Python example
ls["-a"] | grep["-v", "\\.py"] | wc["-l"]
ls -a | grep -v '\.py' | wc -l
Non-shell languages are not fit for the job
A real programming language of course
Should be DSL
A shell and a language that
One language
"Power to the people" - the language that implements the shell and the scripting language of the shell should be the same language.
… kind of
Except for editors, how many interactive programs do you really use? We have:
# dd if=/dev/hda … | ssh … _
… and you're blocked.
Should be:
10:23 [56%, 20MB/s, ETA 20m] dd if=/dev/hda … | ssh … # _
dd if=/dev/hda …
Possible heuristic: Has only one open file (except for 0,1,2) to read from, position in /proc/PID/fdinfo/FD
… and add API for progress and status already!
Wrong way: simple instead of right
# apt-cache search ^bash completion
bash - …
bash-completion - …
python-argcomplete - …
python3-argcomplete - …
# apt-get install <TAB><TAB>
Display all 54316 possibilities? (y or n)
Also: why not navigate and pick?
Context / state. Currently only timestamp.
ping_output=`$MYADMIN ping 2>&1`; ping_alive=$(( ! $? ))
if [ "$1" = "check_alive" -a $ping_alive = 1 ] ||
echo -e "… resulted in\n$ping_output\n"
ping=$($MYADMIN ping 2>&1)
if mode == 'check_alive' and ping or
echo("… resulted in \n${ping}\n")
syntaxes actually
defg get_all_instances(filters) {
if 'VPCID' in ENV {
filters.push(['vpc-id', ENV['VPCID']])
f = mkfilters(filters)
instances = ``aws ec2 describe-instances $*f``
(bad naming stolen from boto)
multi-dispatch (code from stdlib)
# Or throw exception?
defg __parse(p:Process) { String(p) }
defg __parse(p:Process) {
s = String(p)
guard s and s[0] == '{'
if $(-f /etc/debian_version) → if $(test -f /etc/debian_version)
Code from stdlib
defg Bool(p:Process) { p.status == 'exited' and p.code == 0 }
defg '$()'(*args) {
guard args.len() > 1
guard startsWith(args[0], '-')
args = ['test'] + args
# todo: better syntax for this:
(code from stdlib)
defg '.'(a:Array, attr:String) { map(a, (.), attr) }
@ wraps the code on the right with lambda
val @ expr →, Y=null, Z=null) { expr })
val @? expr → val.filter(F(X=null, Y=null, Z=null) { expr })
@ expr → F(X=null, Y=null, Z=null) { expr }
Example: val @ expr
echo(5 @ X*2) → echo( {x*2}))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
Example: @ expr
Code from stdlib
defg flatten(s:Seq) {
ret = []
if x==1 { return y }
x==1 returns y
code from stdlib + demo
defg map(n:Number, mapper:F, *args) {
ret = []
for(i=0;i<n;i=i+1) {
ret.push(mapper(i, *args))
echo( {x*2}))
code from stdlib
defg Number(b:Bool) { if b {1}{0} }
Example 1
arr = [1, 2, *args, 3, 4]
Example 2
opts = {'my': 'default', **options_i_got, 'my2': 'override'}