

Array - list of items accessed by zero-based index

Parent types


x = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]

# Output:
#   ['first','second','third','fourth']

# Output:
#   4

# Output:
#   second

# ... Exception of type IndexNotFound occured ...


Make Arr from Hash. Each key/value pair becomes two-items array:
Make Arr from Arr. A no-op.
Convert range to an array
Convert FullBox to array
Convert EmptyBox to array


String expansion handler. Called automatically for every double-quoted string that has $* components.
*(arr:Arr, n:Int)
Repeat all elements in arr n times
*(a:Arr, b:Arr)
Cartesian product
+(a:Arr, b:Arr)
Array concatenation.
+(s:Str, a:Arr)
Prepend each line in a with s
+(a:Arr, s:Str)
Append s to each line in a
-(a:Arr, b:Arr)
Filter out all values in a that are also in b
.(a:Arr, attr:Str)
Return array made of given attribute of each element of given array
==(a:Arr, b:Arr)
Arrays equality test. True if arrays are of the same length and all elements are equal (==)
[](arr:Arr, range:NumRange)
[](arr:Arr, idx:Int)
[](arr:Arr, idx:Int)
Get array element by index from the end
[](arr:Arr, r:NumRange)
Get array elements at specified indexes. Indexes specified by NumRange.
[](arr:Arr, r:PredRange)
Extract array elements between the element that matches r.start and the element that matches r.end . Starting and ending elements are optionally included, depending on r.include_start and r.include_end .
[](arr:Arr, indexes:Arr)
Get array elements at specified indexes.
[]=(arr:Arr, range:NumRange, replacement:Arr)
[]=(arr:Arr, idx:Int, v:Any)
Make Arr from Arr. A no-op.
assert_hash_keys(actual:Any, expected:Arr, title:Any=null)
Convert array to a Box. Throws InvalidArgument if length of the array is not 0 or 1.
Box(a:Arr, idx:Any)
Convert array value indexed by the given index
c_execve(filename:Str, argv:Arr, envp:Arr)
c_ffi_call(cif:c_ffi_cif, fn:CSym, argv:Arr)
Unfinished feature. Don't use!
c_ffi_prep_cif(rtype:c_ffi_type, atypes:Arr)
Unfinished feature. Don't use!
c_poll(fds_evs:Arr, timeout:Int)
calculate_num_cols_to_show(t:Table, max_colums_widths:Arr, available_cols:Int)
Calculate cell display width for an array
Calculate cell display width for an empty array
Convert an array to NGS code that would produce the array when executed. Not fully functional yet.
collector(a:Arr, body:Fun)
Defines collector { ... collect(...) ... } behaviour for arrays
count(arr:Arr, predicate:Any)
Count number of items that satisfy the predicate. TODO: Make it work on anything with each() method.
Count all true values.
created(rd:ResDef, resources:Arr, props:Hash)
dflt(arr:Arr, k:Any, v:Any)
Set an attribute on instances if it's not already set
Diff(a:Arr, b:Arr, full:Bool=false)
Compare arrays. Warning: Hash is used so internal Hash keys comparison is used, not ==
Diff(a:Arr, b:Arr, full:Bool=false)
Diff(a:Arr, b:Arr, full:Bool=false)
each(arr:Arr, cb:Fun)
Iterates over the elements of arr, passing each in turn to cb along with args: cb(ITEM)
each(arr:Arr, n:Int, cb:Fun)
Process each N elements of an Array at a time. Throws InvalidArgument if number of items in arr is not divisible by n. cb is called as cb(eltI, ..., eltJ) where I is multiple of n and J is I+n-1
each_idx_val(arr:Arr, cb:Fun)
Iterates over the elements of arr, passing each in turn to cb along with index and args: cb(INDEX, ITEM)
get(arr:Arr, idx:Int, dflt:Any)
group(a:Arr, cb:Fun)
TODO. Group items from a by key returned by cb
Create a Hash from Arr of Arr[2]
Hash(arr:Arr, attr:Str)
TODO. Not sure it's used anywhere. Maybe remove?
Hash(arr:Arr, cb:Fun)
Create a Hash from keys in arr using cb for values calculation
Hash(keys:Arr, values:Arr)
Create a Hash from keys in "keys" and corresponding values in "values"
Hash(arr:Arr, key_attr:Str, val_attr:Str)
Create Hash from Arr of something that has key and value attribute
in(x:Any, arr:Arr)
Checks whether element x is in array arr
index(arr:Arr, predicate:Any)
Find index of first value that satisfies the predicate. TODO: Make it work on anything with each() method.
indexes(arr:Arr, predicate:Any)
Find all indexes of values that satisfy the predicate TODO: Make it work on anything with each() method
init(my:MatchY, matches:Arr)
Successful match constructor
init(rd:SecGroup, anchor:Arr)
init(ds:DelimStr, a:Arr, delim:Str=:)
DelimStr constructor
init(i:ArrIter, arr:Arr)
ArrIter constructor.
init(s:Stats, a:Arr)
Makes Stats, with each element in the array counted as if push()ed
init(t:Table, name:Any, rows_hashes:Arr)
Create named table containing provided rows
init(t:Table, rows_hashes:Arr)
init(dn:DocNode, children:Arr=null)
init(tdn:TextDocNode, text:Arr)
Inspect Arr
Calls ArrIter constructor.
join(arr:Arr, s:Str)
join(a:Arr, sep:Arr)
join(a:Arr, s:Str)
Join non-strings. Converts a elements to string first, then uses built-in join().
limit(a:Arr, l:Int)
Truncate an array if necessary so it would have maximum l elements.
lines(f:File, lines_:Arr)
map(arr:Arr, n:Int, mapper:Fun)
Map each N elements of an Array at a time. mapper is called as cb(eltI, ..., eltJ) where I is multiple of n and J is I+n-1 Throws InvalidArgument if number of items in arr is not divisible by n. mapper is called as mapper(eltI, ..., eltJ) where I is multiple of n and J is I+n-1
map_idx_val(arr:Arr, mapper:Fun)
Map an Arr to an Arr (array) of values using mapper mapper is called as mapper(INDEX, ITEM)
max(arr:Arr, cb:Fun)
merge_sorted(a:Arr, b:Arr, lte:Fun)
Merge sorted arrays.
min(arr:Arr, cb:Fun)
Used for command line arguments such as ['--vpc-id', my_vpc_id()].nuke_null() If my_vpc_id() is null the whole array is not needed
pmap(a:Arr, mapper:Fun)
Pop item from an array. Removes last item in array and returns it. Throws EmptyArrayFail.
push(arr:Arr, v:Any)
Append item to an array.
push(t:Table, row_arr:Arr)
Pick one random element from array
Make new array which is a reversed given array
shift(arr:Arr, dflt:Any)
sort(a:Arr, lte:Fun=(a function))
Sort an array.
sort(a:Arr, attr:Str, lte:Fun=(a function))
Sort an array based on attribute value
split(a:Arr, delim:Any)
TODO. Is it used even?
Convert "Tags" array in each element of AWS resources (typically returned by AWS CLI) into Hash. Makes "Tags" much more usable.
Convert Arr to string
subset(smaller:Arr, larger:Arr)
Type(t:Str, doc:Any, parents:Arr)
Type constructor
Return unique values. Warning: uses Hash so comparison is not using == but a built-in hash keys comparison.
unshift(arr:Arr, elt:Any)
Prepend one element to the given array
without(arr:Arr, without_elt:Any)
Filter out all occurrences of specific value
~(argv:Arr, c:Closure)
Tries to match command line arguments with closure parameters.