

A type for instances of user-defined types. Children types are not displayed as this type is specially optimized.


.(obj:NormalTypeInstance, attr:Str)
Get NormalType (a type that is typically defined by user) instance attribute. Throws AttrNotFound.
.=(obj:NormalTypeInstance, attr:Str, v:Any)
Set Normal type (a type that is typically defined by user) instance attribute. Throws AttrNotFound.
::(nti:NormalTypeInstance, k:Any)
::=(nti:NormalTypeInstance, k:Any, v:Any)
==(a:NormalTypeInstance, b:NormalTypeInstance)
Equaity test for normal type instances: must be of same type and have same attributes and their values
dflt(i:NormalTypeInstance, k:Any, v:Any)
Set an attribute in an instance if it's not already set
Get all attributes and their values as key-value pairs in the resulting Hash.
in(attr:Str, obj:NormalTypeInstance)
Check whether NormalType (a type that is typically defined by user) instance has an attribute.
String representation of normal type instance i Normal type is a user defined type. In addition some types defined by NGS are also normal types.